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This blog is all about zen knowledge And this blog also have quotes and  lines from the bottom of heart that definitely touch your nerve.
I mainly concern here about self-improvement quotes and words from great personalities.
you'll also find here daily motivation dose to stay motivated for your goal.


Funny Quotes About Life Lessons

Life can be funny sometimes. Well, so can life  quotes …  Here is a List of  49 Funny quotes about life lessons- You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes. If you think you are too small to make a difference, Try sleeping with a mosquito. You can’t always control who walks into your life but, you CAN control which window you throw them out of… Nobody dies a virgin life f***s us all. An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex.